
RVCA Waterbodies


General Description
Full Name RVCA Waterbodies
Abstract RVCA Waterbodies represent the Lakes, Ponds and large Rivers within the RVCA, as a polygon feature class. They have been delineated using the MNRF LIO waterbody standard and using the existing LIO Waterbody layer as a base. This dataset is used extensively for Subwatershed & Catchment Reporting, as well as Regulations. The data capture approach is partially based on MNRF's "Large Scale Data Capture Specification for Hydrographic Features" technical documentation. The main hydrographic classes are “watercourse” and “waterbody”. Water features that meet minimum width requirements (>30m wide continuous) are captured as waterbodies (polygons); otherwise they are captured as watercourses (line). In addition, most waterbodies have one or more watercourse (“virtual flow”) features within them, to provide continuity to the flow network. Please see the 'RVCA Watercourses' dataset for the associated centerline hydrographic features.
Feature Type Polygon
Location RVCA_GIS
Feature Dataset RVCA_Waterbody
Geographic Extent Rideau Valley Watershed
Maintenance Status Ongoing (in progress)
Georeferencing and Accuracy
Horizontal Datum North American Datum 1983 (EPSG: 6269)
Vertical Datum
Spatial Projection NAD 83 - UTM Zone 18N (EPSG: 26918)
Data Sources and Restrictions
Access Constraint RVCA Open Data Licence v1
Use Constraint In accordance with open license agreement
Citation Produced using information under License with the RVCA © Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
Agency Originator
Agency Distributor
Online Linkage https://rvcagis.github.io/jkan/datasets/rvca-waterbodies/
Methodology The data capture approach is partially based on MNRF's "Large Scale Data Capture Specification for Hydrographic Features" technical documentation. The main hydrographic classes are “watercourse” and “waterbody”. Water features that meet minimum width requirements (>30m wide continuous) are captured as waterbodies (polygons); otherwise they are captured as watercourses (line). In addition, most waterbodies have one or more watercourse (“virtual flow”) features within them, to provide continuity to the flow network.
Supplimental Info Please see the 'RVCA Watercourses' dataset for the associated centerline hydrographic features.
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Update History (last 5)
Contact Information
FullName Dave Crossman
JobTitle GIS Coordinator
Email dave.crossman@rvca.ca
Metadata Last Updated     January 12, 2023